Regina Public Library
Regina Public Library
RPL is the City of Regina’s public library system and a member of the Saskatchewan Information and Library Services Consortium. It includes nine branches, two locations for Dunlop Art Gallery, the Film Theatre, and digital collections.
The Challenge
RPL is a long-standing institution in Regina, but they didn’t have a comprehensive brand strategy in place. Equally important, their logo and creative platform hadn’t been updated in decades. How could we create a fresh, holistic brand for such a recognizable organization?
Our Solution
We knew we wanted to create a brand that would unify RPL’s three main avenues: the library, Dunlop Art Gallery, and the Film Theatre. We also know that successful brands are brought to life through the employees of an organization, and so an internal roll-out and education would be key.
The Work
RPL has a large range of employees, customers, and stakeholders. To make sure we had a solid foundation to base our work on, we conducted two employee surveys, several facilitated strategy sessions, key stakeholder consultations, and 11 focus groups.
We worked closely with RPL to turn all of that insight into a comprehensive strategy that would serve their needs. It included a Brand Personality, Advantage, Promise, and Voice. With the strategy in place, our designers began creating and fine-tuning the visual aspects of the brand to capture and convey the spirit of RPL.
For the internal roll-out, we created booklets that showcased the new brand to employees, as well as an educational video about what a brand is and how to strengthen it from within.

The Results
By the end of the project, we delivered three new logos, a holistic brand strategy, and a creative platform. We updated their colour palette, fonts, photography guidelines, and graphic elements to unify their many campaigns.
To unveil the new look, we created a short animated video that introduced the new logos. It was pushed out to the public via paid media. Library customers, staff, stakeholders, and the general public received the brand with positivity and excitement.
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